For Gnomeregan, Mushroom Kingdom Portal

MarioMaker3I’ve kept one of my Campaign promises and published the coordinates to access Gnomeregan through the Mushroom Kingdom.  I stumbled on this accidentally while trying to access the Heroes of the Storm Nexus.


Seriously, you would not believe how may weird other dimensions there are out there.

Another Reason We Need Lore

Head canon is fun, but the less lore their is, the harder it is to role-play.

My blog posts contain conflicting head canon, because I change my mind about things, or have ideas I like, but they don’t actually work together.  As fun as the #Sicco2016 campaign is, I’ve gotten some questions I can’t answer, because the answers do not exist.

Who votes for High Tinker?

How often are elections?

What are the term limits?

What are the requirements to run?

What kind of succession is there to replace a High Tinker in the even one dies or goes missing?

Under High Tinker, what kind of cabinet positions exist?

More generally, I have talked to several people about what gnomes do when they are not at war?  What do Gnomeregan civilians do?  What function do mages, rogues, and other serve in Gnomeregan society proper?

It’s almost impossible to write a character history for a gnome that goes back before the fall of Gnomeregan, because we know nothing about Gnomeregan pre-explosion.

I really hope Chronicles, or the (possible) future re-releases of Warcraft I, II and III on mobile gives us some new tidbits or glimpses in to Gnome history.


The Cornerstones of my Campaign

I’ve been going back though my #Sicco2016 posts to see what has been the most popular, so here are the things I’ve decided to make the core of my message to the gnome people!


Grand City for Gnomes

Fix the RNG! and include more safeguards

More gnome influence on Azeroth

Make the Vile Fumigators mask cosmetic and transmogrify-able!

Build a wall across Dun Morogh, and make Ironforge pay for it

Create name projector for mounts!

And of course Gnome Paladins, Gnome Druids and Gnome Shamans


Polling Numbers

Mekkatorque and I have both been getting some polling numbers to see where our campaigns stand.  Even though he APPEARS to be showing a lead, I still feel like I’ve got a strong showing.  The MOST disappointing thing to me is how few people bothered to vote.

The media might cast me as the villain, but gnomes know things are never so black and white.  I have guided all of recent gnome history.  I’m the first gnome that new gnomes learn about.  I’ve stuck with Gnomeregan.  I’m not leaving until it is restored.  I know Mekkatorque is busy restoring Orgrimmar for the horde, because reasons?  I’m sure he has a good excuse why he’d rather fight for Vol’jin than for gnomes.

The truth is gnomes need me, and I need them! Lets gather here, in this city and raise it up to be the best place on Azeroth.  We can do it!  I believe!


2016: #YearOfTheGnome

Ressa brought the PR firm back.  They ‘work shopped’ the campaign slogan I had.  (They called it a ‘workshop’ but they didn’t have a workbench or anything.)  I’m annoyed they insisted it not have my name in it.  How are people supposed to know it’s me?  Whatever, I’ll try anything once.

So #Sicco2016 is out, The new slogan is “2016: #YearOfTheGnome”


Manifest Destiny!

My main platform as candidate for High Tinker remains what it has ALWAYS been.  Manifest Destiny of the Gnomish Race across Azeroth.  It just makes sense.  No other group has the technical expertise of Gnomeregan.

Every sovereign nation on Azeroth could be made better with Gnomish Technology, and we should be present in all those places introducing and maintaining them for the smaller minded races.  If brains were height, gnomes would tower over all!  It’s time for gnomes to stand up and take their place in history!

Mekkatorque wants to give you a city, I want to give you THE WORLD!


The Irradiation Problem

I am aware that if I want gnomes to return to Gnomeregan I have to clean up the mess.  My plan is to ‘acquire’ the head of Gearmaster Mechazod and learn his de-cursive technique.  Once that has been mastered we can turn all my leper gnomes in to Mechagnomes.  Mechagnomes are not affected my the irradiation process.  Once the halls of Gnomeregan have been restored.  We use the re-cursive tool to turn the mechagnomes back in to fleshy gnomes.  That gets Gnomeregan Clean, AND cures the leprosy.

I don’t see Mekkatorque coming up with BRILLIANT plans like that!


Thermaplugg for High Tinker!

It’s been a while since Mekkatorque has been challenged for his roll of High Tinker.  I think it’s about High TIME someone challenged him again!

I’m officially announcing my candidacy for High Tinker!

I have put in a petition with the Tinker’s Council to allow Leper Gnomes to vote, so if that goes through I think I can win this!  I’ve been counting and Mekkatorque’s most recent “Operation; Gnomeregan” has tipped the number of gnomes to leper gnomes in my favor.

