Theory: High Elves are Actually Half Elves

I think the elves of Quel’Thalas are half night elf and half human.

Humans came to the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms 15,000 years before the opening of the Dark Portal. They settled around the area of Keeper Tyr’s tomb, Tirisfal.

5,000 years later the sundering happened, and 2,800 years after the sundering, the High Born Night Elves were banished across the sea, and settled in the area of Tirisfal. It was 500 years after they arrived in the Eastern Kingdoms that these elves sequestered themselves in Quel’Thalas.

It’s during this time that the high elves got shorter, lost their immortality, and their skin tones changed to match human skin tones. I think it’s inevitable that in that amount of time, there was comingling between elves and humans.

Meanwhile, the Night Elves that remained in Kalimdor raised a veil of mist to shroud Kalimdor from outsiders. This prevented the High Born from returning and is probably what truly cut them of from the source of their immortality.

High Born in the eastern kingdoms would have no way of knowing that a mystical barrier had been placed between the world tree and themselves. They would start suffering from magic withdrawn with no understand what was happening or why. Eventually they would also notice the first signs of ageing.

Humans are mortal of course. It’s very easy to imagine that some High Born would blame these problems on the humans that they had brought in to their mix.

In a bid to restore their longevity, they isolated themselves to a peninsula, and avoided as much contact with humans as possible. Over the course of the next 6,000+ years the human blood in the elves of Quel’Thalas would end up distributed fairly evenly, resulting in the High Elves, Blood Elves, and Void Elves we see today.

Feeling bad about gnomes.

Last week I tweeted this:

To clarify, I don’t feel guilty about playing a gnome or anything like that, just unfulfilled. Race is literally the first thing you are asked to define about your character when you create it. It informs where you fit in the world. (Class is how you fit.)

For years I’ve tried to encourage people to play gnomes (or at the very least, to treat gnome players with more respect)

I saw huge potential in the race, and believed that at some point that potential would be relized in the game world, but I don’t think I feel that way anymore. I still think the potential is there, but I don’t think anything is going to come of it. I’ve lost the faith.

I hope this is just a temporary feeling. Right now I feel like I should be warning people away from gnomes rather than encouraging them.

“No story here, look elsewhere for a race that exists”

REAVER MADNESS! GvG Demolition Derby

Meet the “Reaver Madness!” This team representing Orgrimmar are no longer members of the Burning Blade, these ex(?) warlocks still know their was around a fel reaver!  They will be entering the demolition derby with a design stolen inspired by Gul-dan’s fel reaver in Hellfire Citadel!

Team: Reaver Madness

Members: Brazie Faceburn, Striker Felforge, and Mactar Kapoxalyps.

Bot Name: “Fel No”

Quote: “Our ultimate goal is to get a bot that really level a whole city.  I dream of org… uh Stormwind in flames, followed by all the other cities on Azeroth… uh, except the Horde ones, I guess…”




The Forsaken Can’t Get Away With That!

Halloween must be terrifying for Gilneas survivors and survivors of the Wrathgate.

Neighbors throwing toys is one thing.  Maybe there was an old rivalry between Tarren Mill and Southshore before the 3rd war, that carried over in to the pranks that were carried out on Hallow’s End in years past, but now the Forsaken are flying from the Undercity to Stormwind.  That is not the behavior of a neighborhood trickster, that is the behavior of a psycho stalker. If you are a Gilnean living in Stormwind, this has to feel incredibly personal.  If you were a witness to the Wrathgate, how are you supposed to react when the people responsible for that horror are flying overhead dropping more stinking vials of who-knows-what on your city?

I think this orc’s face says it all:



Head Canon: Observers

I’ve touched on this hypothesis before. Now I’m going to update it slightly with some information from the quest “Seeking the Soulstones” and Warcraft Chronicles Vol. 1

We know that the Titans use “Titan Orbs” to collect and store information.  These orbs are mechanical, and found in many places that Mechagnomes are found.  They are entities, more like creatures than objects.  They move and perform functions autonomously.

Perhaps in the distant past the Titans would send a few dozen of these orbs out to different star systems to see if there were any planets there.  If any planets were directed, the Orbs take samples of the magic energy found there, and return to the titans.

This functionality would be in line with what we know about how Titans operated. For example, we know that the Titans imbued the ered’ruin with an attraction to fel magics so that they could seek it out and destroy it.

Doomguard says: …before Sargeras freed us, we were the Titan’s hounds. Forever enslaved to police the use of arcane magics.
Doomguard says: Sacrificial magic was considered the greatest violation of life and we were attuned to instantly punish those who delved into such… delicious sorcery.

In the case of these orbs they would be designed to seek out all forms of magic, and record where they were found.

So then, what happens to these orbs when they land on a planet that is infested with the Old Gods?  I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to see them being afflicted with the curse of the flesh.

There are physical similarities.  Round bodies is obvious, but what if the ‘cage’ part of the orb was degraded and became the tentacles that hang down below the Observers?  On the central part with the filigree, there are large white glowing spots; what if these became the multiple eyes of the observers?

I think they have enough in common in both form and function to have a strong case for them to be the same thing.  Less extreme metamorphosis has been seen the the World of Warcraft before.


Running Mate Announcement

My campaign has been quietly working behind the scenes for a couple months now, and we are ready for a big announcement!  After careful consideration of many fine and talented gnomes, I have come to a final decision about my running mate.

Gearmaster_Mechazod_HSI am proud to welcome Gearmaster Mechazod to the ticket!  Mechazod brings tens of thousands of years of experience to the team, both dealing with everything from mundane maintenance matters and incredibly important cosmic scale matters that are beyond mortal comprehension.  We are very lucky to have him here with us*.

I’m sure you will all agree that he is the perfect complement to what we have going, and our vision for Gnomeregan’s future!

*Mechazod is currently working remotely from Northrend.