Battle 14 – FINALS GvG Demolition Derby

COBALT BOOM sponsored by the Exodar brings their bot PURPLEX to the finals


ULTRA-BLING brough to us by Gnomeregan with their bot OMNIPUNCHIT



Battle 13 FINALS! GvG Demolition Derby

REAVER MADNESS, sponcered by Orgrimmar, with their bot FEL NO


HEX MECHS, sponcered by the Darkspears, with their bot BIG BAD BOO BOO



The One True Leper Transmog Set (Can’t Actually be Transmog’ed)


It’s the Hyperion set, with Bloodscale Pauldrons. Sadly we can get the Rocket helm, but not transmog it.  I use a [Stylish Red Shirt] to complete the look.  The sleeves are a little darker red than the plain red shirt and the black/brown areas give it some contrast that it needs.

FIERCE AS FLUX! GvG Demolition Derby

Meet Fierce as Flux, this team from the Tushui Pandaren in in Alliance.  Their bots has the biggest fist of any in the competition this year.  Will they be able to clock their opponents?

Team: Fierce as Flux

Members: Li Song, Harold Flexfist, and Jhu Lang

Bot Name: Zender

Quote: “It was hard to build a bot that could replicate the martial arts moves that we wanted, but what we lost in finesse, we made up for with raw power!”



FLASH-FIRE! GvG Demolition Derby

Meet Flash-Fire!  This team was a last minute entry from the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Team: Flash-Fire

Members: Lucy Porter, Maria Lensphocus, and Sy Palmer

Bot Name: Scorch

Quote: “Our bot is a combination of technology recovered from Titan archival sites and the sun powered golems of the arakkoa on Draenor.  We assumed that because both were light powered, they would be easy to integrate.  That was not the case.”

