A Legion of Gnomes!

Mekkatorque has upgraded his battle suit.  I have upgraded MY battle suit.  Sentient mechanical animals have crosses a threshold. Gnomes have taken up firearms in record numbers.

The Legion seems to have brought out the MOST in the Gnomes of Azeroth.  Is this increase of activity a fluke, or the start of something even bigger?  How much longer can this arms race continue before we finally see a end to the Gnomish civil war?


The Forsaken Can’t Get Away With That!

Halloween must be terrifying for Gilneas survivors and survivors of the Wrathgate.

Neighbors throwing toys is one thing.  Maybe there was an old rivalry between Tarren Mill and Southshore before the 3rd war, that carried over in to the pranks that were carried out on Hallow’s End in years past, but now the Forsaken are flying from the Undercity to Stormwind.  That is not the behavior of a neighborhood trickster, that is the behavior of a psycho stalker. If you are a Gilnean living in Stormwind, this has to feel incredibly personal.  If you were a witness to the Wrathgate, how are you supposed to react when the people responsible for that horror are flying overhead dropping more stinking vials of who-knows-what on your city?

I think this orc’s face says it all:
