What are Gnomes in Hearthstone?

There are a lot of gnome minions in Hearthstone, 51 as of Frozen Throne.  In the 6 expansions that have released some patterns have emerged.  Gnomes primarily put cards in your hand, either directly like the Gnomish Inventor, or indirectly like Wilford Fizzlebang.











This seems to be the niche gnomes fill in Hearthstone as a whole.  I’m kinda sad that Northshire Cleric is not a gnome card since it is probably the most common Draw card used.  13 of the 51 Gnomes in the game put or, facilitate putting, cards in your hand.  In fact the “Spare Parts” mechanic added in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion is NOT found on any of the goblin cards in that set.  This reinforces the gnome roll in gaining cards. I am most impressed with new Gnomeferatu card, which basically has you draw a card from your opponent’s deck and then discard it.  It’s exactly what you would expect from a gnome parasite.

ClockworkGnomeGnomeferatuGnomishExperimenterJeevesLootHoarderNetherspiteHistorianNoviceEngineerPolluted HoarderShallowGravediggerTinkertownTechnicianToshley


Demolition Champions! GvG

The results are in!  Our Grand Champions are the team from Exodar, COBALT BOOM!  This gnome-led team of draenei have shown they have the tech to win it all!  I want to congratulate them on a game well played.  They are taking home the trophies, but when we get to watch robots destroying each other, we’re ALL winners!



Thank you all for participating in the First Annual Goblin vs Gnomes Demolition Derby!  This run was a prototype.  I hope next year to get other people involved.  Either solicit players to rep their guilds with different bot designs, or maybe an in game pet battle draft featuring mechanical pets.

If you liked it, didn’t like it, or would be interested in participating in any way next year, please leave me a comment and let me know how you feel!


FINAL BATTLE GvG Demolition Derby

We’re down to out last battle!  Which ever team wins this round wins the whole thing!

REAVER MADNESS sponsored by Orgrimmar with their bot FEL NO


COBALT BOOM sponcered by the Exodar with their bot PURPLEX
