Mounts Mounts Mounts!

I have had a few rambling incomplete thoughts about mounts lately.TackyStrider

Size, flying, acquisition.

I hear people saying;

Big characters on small mounts looks weird.

Super Rare mounts are frustrating.

Not being able to fly is frustrating.

Giant mounts in cites are frustrating.


On mounts being different sizes for different races: At some point, during one of the Blizzcons, or in an interview, someone from Blizzard off handily mentioned that mounts scale based on your character’s race, so that they have the same collision size. That way, a given mount will always fit through (and not fit through) a given doorway, no matter who is riding it.  There was also a blog post when the Heart of the Aspects dropped.  Someone reported that it was able to walk though water in a battle ground where most mounted characters would be forced to swim.  Blizzard took the report very seriously.   I think it’s obvious that the mounts scale so that the players game play experience on a given mount is uniform across all characters.

Super Rare Mounts Grind: Rare mounts are frustrating to grind, because you are not supposed to grind them.  They are intended to be a cool thing for ‘lucky’ players, but is that really what happens?  I don’t try to farm mounts like the Big Love Rocket, personally. I was never able to even get Deathcharger’s Reins.  I would love those mounts, but hearing other players stories about never getting them despite hundreds of runs discourages me from trying.

Flying: Flying is goofy.  It feels very unnatural to me, and it breaks my immersion in the game to be hovering above the game, immune.  The way flying mounts move is so unnatural.  There is no momentum, no physics to speak of.  On the other size of that.  Any change that could be made at this point would be adding a limitation to it.  Mounts are already perfectly maneuverable, have zero acceleration time, and move a speed that pushes the game engine to it’s limit.  Flying mounts need limits, but I can’t imagine what could be added at this point that the community would accept.

Giant Mounts: They are weird and inconvenient in cities.  Everyone has had to deal with a mammoth in front of a mailbox.  Blizzard has addressed the problem indirectly in the past, with NPC’s that you can not mount around.  Putting mail boxes indoors might help, but it would address a symptom and not a cause.  limiting what mounts could be ridden in cities might help, maybe sorting mounts in to size categories, but people want to show off their coolest mounts, so dropping a mount that can’t be ridden in a city lowers it’s cool factor.

Mount Game Play: A mount system would be cool.  Pet battles have totally changed that aspect of the game.  I think that seeing the mounts tab right next to that pet tab, makes me want an optional mini-game for mounts.  I would love to see a system that let me get more engaged with these things I have collected.  I love the Darkmoon Faire race system.  If flying mounts required more active management, and couldn’t just hover effortlessly forever I would enjoy them more.

Mounts are fun, they are a great way to customize your characters look and express their personality.  I look forward to seeing what Blizzard does with them in the future.


Tinker Prosthesis

Demon Hunters have brought a brought so many character customization options to elves that they are almost all new races.  Of all the classes that could be added next (If blizzard feels like there is any room for anymore classes at all.) Tinker seems like it would bring the most uniqueness and still fit well within the game.  I would love to see how the same principles of customization the Demon Hunter brought could be applied to Tinker, and by extension, gnomes and goblins.

Mekkatorque’s Battle Armor could be a hint of what a Tinker in the role of tank could look like.  If we have a large battle suit we are wearing all the time, some customization options would make sense, but it’s also possible that a tinkers equipped armor would apply to your battle mech rather than your character.

Something I would really like to see would be prosthesis.  Blizzard has some really cool looks that they have slipped in to other games and I see no reason to not keep that up in Warcraft.


Journal Entry – FEBregan 1st, 2017

Today’s the first day of FEBregan.  I am impatiently awaiting the END of Lunar Festival.  Our firework sales do go up, but most people are going to the Night Elves for their explosives, and I can’t imagine anyone LESS qualified to make explosives than those loser tree-huggers.loverocket

In addition to that, we are behind on our contract for the [REDACTED] later this month.  I can’t say mush because we signed and Non-Disclosure Agreement with [REDACTED].