Gnome Language

gnomefont1What would be a good name for the Gnome Language? Can we admit the word “Gnomish” is boring?

There are some really cool language names in Warcraft.  Names that are informed by the history and culture of the races they represent.  [Zandali](Troll) calls back to the origin of the troll race.  [Ravenspeak](Arakkoa) seems to be based on their religion.  Personally, I liked [Gutterspeak](Forsaken). It had character, but I understand why people didn’t like what it implyed about the forsaken. Other names that stand out are [Kalimag](Elemental), [Nerglish](Murloc), and [Taur-ahe](Tauren).

Lots of languages are just mirrors or slight modifications of the race name.  All of those could benefit from something more developed.
Having the name of the language match the name of the race makes things simpler, but having the name of the race in brackets afterward accomplishes the same thing.

Mekgineer Thermaplugg yells: [Cognovent](Gnome): Usurpers! Gnomeregan is mine!

I also wish languages mattered in any way.

<Warning: Intense Nerding Ahead>gnomefont4

In the real world most languages are named after the region they come from.  In fantasy, most members of a race come from the same area, but on Azeroth that is not as true.  Humans have seven kingdoms that have been separate for a little over 1,200 years.  These kingdoms were in frequent contact with each other, but it can take as little as 500 years for different regions to evolve their own full languages.  Humans should not speak [Common] at all.  If there is a common language shared between all humans it would probably function like Latin does in the modern world, an ‘extinct’ language used for formal treaties and documents that apply to more than one human nation. The language of Arathor and Strom could be used this way. The individual city states or Lordearon, Dalaran, Gilneas, Kul Tiras, and Stormwind would each have their own regional languages that developed naturally over time based on common usage of everyday people.  This is especially true for Stormwind given the fact it is more geographically isolated from the other human kingdoms.  I would expect there to be three dwarven languages as well for these same reasons.

Each Tauren and Orc tribe would most likely have their own language, or at the very least their own dialect.  Not just because of geographic isolation, but as a cultural marker of each tribes identity.

Undead are a very interesting exception, because it would seem that being animated imbues the newly raised individual with knowledge of a language not shared by the living. There is very little information on how this works, so it’s hard to say if forsaken amd scourge would speak diffrently.

Pandaren on the Wandering Isle most likely would have a different language from those that stayed on mainland Pandaria, but certainly not from each other based on philosophical differences taught at the one school on the island.  The region is too small for them to not speak to each other fluently.  It’s very unlikely two separate languages could survive in such a small community.

There is one race that gets it right: Elves.  [Thalassian] is a dialect of [Darnassian]. A longer lived race would have less variation over time than shorter lived ones.

[Draenei] has probably not changed from what was spoken on Argus, because there are draenei from Argus still alive. Meanwhile [Eredun](A.K.A. [Demonic]) despite not changing in its name from what it was called on Argus, has probably changed each time the Legion assimilated another race in to its ranks.  Leading to [Eredun](Demonic) being very different from [Draenei] despite the fact that [Draenei] is probably almost identical to [Eredun](Argus).

<End Extreme Nerdness>

<Begin Random Ideas>

Gnomish > [Cognovent]

Goblin > [Kababble]

Dwarven > [Forgen](Ironforge), [Aeries](Aerie Peak), [Grimbal](Blackrock)

Orc Clans > [Gorgrock](Blackrock), [Nagran](Warsong), [Frostrim](Frostwolf), [Tanaal](Bleeding Hollow), [Scarak](Shattered Hand), [Umbraguish](Shadowmoon)

Human Nations > [Azotha](Arathor), [Stromind](Stormwind/Human), [Lordain](Lordaeron/Forsaken), [Altir](Alterac), [Dalar](Dalaran), [Gilness](Gilnean/Worgen), [Thiras](Kul Tiras/Theramoore)


[Common] is the worst. The only argument I can come up with for [Common] is using it for faction languages. Adding [Common](Alliance) and [Common](Horde) would open the door for humans and orcs to have their own languages, and further decentralized each faction from those races.

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